Who We Are

Post-harvest solutions provider

5th Harvest Ltd is a post-harvest solutions provider in Nigeria’s thriving agriculture sector. Our solutions will include agro-commodities procurement services, storage and specialist handling services (cleaning, drying, sorting & grading, weighing & standardizing, quality testing – aflatoxin & moisture testing), Collateral management & Warehouse Receipt finance (in conjunction with our finance partners). We seek to address some of the sector challenges such as food losses and stakeholder illiquidity and contribute to the development and strengthening of the value chains of key crops. We are targeting the value chains of both staple crops and cash crops. The focus crops for our services are Grains (Sorghum, Rice, Maize) and Oilseeds/Treenuts (Sheanuts, Soybeans, Groundnuts, Sesame, Cashew).
5th Harvest was incorporated in 2013 to provide integrated post-harvest solution to the agricultural industry in Nigeria.
Our Vision

Our vison is to improve the well-being and income of farmers and agricultural processors across Nigeria and therefore consolidate our position as the number one aggregator and processor of quality food crops in the country.

Our Mission

Optimize the value chain. Empower farmers and communities. Build the best warehousing infrastructure across Nigeria. Create a fast feedback loop between the market and farmers. Offer consistent quality raw materials to the market.